Project Overview
The Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG) is updating comprehensive Local Road Safety/Action Plans (LRS/APs) for Mendocino County and the Cities of Fort Bragg, Point Arena, Ukiah, and Willits. The LRS/APs will enable Mendocino County's local agencies to enhance safety for all modes of transportation and all ages and abilities.
The overarching goal is to update the LRS/APs utilizing the collision database to create a decision-making process that relies on a partnership with stakeholders and public outreach using the five “Es” of traffic safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Equity, and Emergency Medical Services.
Scroll down to view the Project Area.
Plan Area

Report Concern
Updating the Local Road Safety/Action Plans require public outreach in order to improve road safety and reduce traffic fatalities, and gathering feedback from the community can help ensure the updated plans address their concerns and needs.
Your input is essential for the success of the updated Local Road Safety/Action Plans.
Click the button below to provide us with your concerns regarding traffic and safety.
Note: MCOG may be required to disclose certain information that you provide as part of your feedback regarding Local Roadway Safety/Action Plans.
We are no longer accepting traffic concerns. If you wish to report any traffic concerns please use the feedback form.

Collision History
The map below shows collisions that occurred in Mendocino County from January 2020 to December 2022.
Navigate the map to find collision hot spots.
Use mouse wheel or provided buttons to zoom in and out.
Pan by selecting the map or using your device's touch screen.
Collisions are color-coded to correspond to collision severity.
Click the interactive legend button in the top right corner to view the map legend which shows the color for each collision severity.
Select each collision for more details.
Coding for each field can be found in this PDF.
For any comments or suggestions, please Provide Feedback.
Project Updates & Upcoming Events
08/14/2024: Draft LRS/AP reports are available to view:
07/01/2024: The fifth public workshop was held on June 27th, 2024. View the Virtual Public Workshop#5 presentation here.
07/01/2024: The third Stakeholder Meeting was held on June 27th, 2024. View the Stakeholder Meeting#3 presentation here.
06/27/2024: The Last Virtual Workshop will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Zoom Meeting can be accessed here:
Zoom Meeting Invitation: https://zoom.us/j/93479215491?pwd=K6mAzVb3aPEIKJl3bC4fYtvB4EE64B.1
Meeting ID: 934 7921 5491
Passcode: 454986
To access by phone, dial +1 669 444 9171 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode information.
Please click here to view the flyer.
06/27/2024: The third Stakeholder Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
05/23/2024: View the Virtual Public Workshop presentation here.
05/23/2024: The Virtual Public Workshop will be conducted on May 23rd, 2024 between 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Zoom Meeting can be accessed here:
Zoom Meeting Invitation: https://zoom.us/j/98947773642?pwd=eGpWamNxcGVETE8zN05ZNTBZTEhaUT09
Meeting ID: 989 4777 3642
Passcode: 426222
To access by phone, dial +1 669 444 9171 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode information.
Please click here to view the flyer.
05/20/2024 & 05/21/2024: In-Person Public Workshops were conducted on May 20th, 2024 and May 21st, 2024.
The workshop on Monday, May 20th was held at:
Ft. Bragg Town Hall, 363 N. Main Street, Ft. Bragg, CA 95437, City Council Chambers, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. View the Workshop Presentation.
The workshop on Tuesday, May 21st was held at:
Alex Rorabaugh Recreation Center, 1640 S. State Street #3, Ukiah, CA 95482, Large Conference Room, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. View the Workshop Presentation.
05/16/2024: The second Stakeholder Meeting was held on May 16, 2024. View the Stakeholder Meeting #2 Presentation.
04/29/2024: View the Virtual Public Workshop #1 Presentation here. The first public workshop was held on April 25th, 2024.
04/25/2024: The Virtual Public Workshop will be conducted on April 25th, 2024 between 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Zoom Meeting can be accessed here:
Zoom Meeting Invitation: https://zoom.us/j/97191744172?pwd=bGRPVzc4a05nbXFkaWxEUk9UTUpPQT09
Meeting ID: 971 9174 4172
Passcode: 856113
To access by phone, dial +1 669 900 6833 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode information.
For more information please take a look at the Flyer here.
04/11/2024: View the Stakeholder Meeting #1 Presentation. The first stakeholder meeting was held on April 11th, 2024.
04/01/2024: View the Collision History section for collisions of all severity that occurred in Mendocino County from 2020 to 2022. We are constantly updating the interactive map as the project moves forward.
04/01/2024: Downloadable materials, plans, and reports will be uploaded here when they are available.
Project Timeline
This project is expected to be completed by June, 2024. Stakeholder and public outreach (in-person and virtual) is anticipated to be held in April and May, 2024.
Provide Feedback
Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions about the project by filling the feedback form below.
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